Kampuni ya upili kwa ukubwa katika
utengenezaji wa sigara nchini Marekani
imeagizwa kulipa kitita kikubwa cha dola
billioni 23 kwa mke wa mwathiriwa mmoja wa
sigara aliyefariki kutokana na saratani ya
Kwa mujibu wa shirika la habari la BBC, Mjane
huyo Cynthia Robinson alichukua hatua dhidi
ya kampuni ya sigara ya R.J Reynolds baada
ya kifo cha mumewe aliyekuwa na miaka 36.
Kampuni hiyo imeyataja malipo hayo kama
yasio na haki na kusema kuwa itakata rufaa.
Wakili wa bi Robinson amesema kuwa kampuni
hiyo ya sigara iliuza sigara hizo bila kutoa
tahadhari yoyote kuhusu tishio la uvutaji wake.
BALLO from Tz
Karibuni.... Welcome.... Karibuni... Blog hii ni ya wajanja wote wanaopenda mambo mazuri kwenye ulimwengu huu wa kaijanja!!!! Ingia kila siku kupata mambo mapya kama news, picha, tetesi, matukio yoote ya town n.k....
Sunday, July 20, 2014
Saturday, July 19, 2014
"Sio kila EX ni EXPIRED,EX zingine ni EXAMPLE:Utanielewa tu...
Ulimwengu huu tunaoishi Muogope sana Mpenzi wa Zamani wa Mkeo kabla HUJAMUOA na Muogope sana EX wa Mmeo kabla HAJAKUOA kuliko hata hawa Vidume na Vijike vinavyomtaka akiwa tayari amevaa pete...I will tell you WHY!!
Kuna watu walipendana sana lakini hao waliowapenda kwa moyo HAWAKUWAOA...kutokana na Situations fulani Mwanamke akalazimika aolewe na kijamaa fulani tu ambacho kilikuja na sera ambazo 'Wanawake wanapenda' na kako vizuri financially IKABIDI huyu mwanamke aachane na 'Tulizo lake la moyo' kidemokrasia tu aolewe na wewe...It doesnt matter how lakini hawa watu wawili walioachana kidemokrasia "Bado wanapendana deep down" na hata ukifanikiwa kumuoa,ukamhamisha mkoa wasionane,Ukambadilishia namba za Simu wasiwasiliane tena,Itapita miaka hata 6 hawajatiana machoni ipo siku PAAAP,watakutana Kariakoo kwenye shopping,zile cheche na hamu na mapigo ya moyo yataruka upya,na kifuatacho ITV kitakuwa Isidingo
Mapenzi yao hayakufa...Pete haizuii kitu...Watajikuta wameunganisha Vikojoleo upya,tena kwa huba zito la kumisiana kwa hali ya juu,wewe ukidhani Pete pekee itamlinda,kumbe waapiii,na huo ndio utakuwa mwanzo wa hawa watu wawili kuwa na Reunion kabambe ya Kulegeza Chaga,wewe umeoa kwa Mahari mwenzio anapiga Bureee bila Mshenga!
Kama nadanganya Wanandoa waje na waseme hapahapa....Ndoa ni Complicated kuliko Hesabu za Logarithm na Integration,Ndoa ni Fumbo na walioweza kulifumbua ni wachache sana kwa msaada wa Mungu,ila Wengi wanadhani wamelifumbua Fumbo kumbe wametegwa na hawajui mtego ulipo,Ndoa needs God na watu wenye hofu ya Mungu otherwise "UTAOLEA KIJIJI"
Friday, July 18, 2014
Katika hali ya kawaida tumezoea watu
wanaojihusisha na vitendo vya usagaji ni vibinti
umri wa kubalee , lakini hivi sasa imekua tofauti
kabisa mpaka wamama watu wazima wameanza
kufanya vitendo hivyo vya mapenzi ya jinsia
moja , kamera yetu imefanikia kuwamulika hawa
wakina mama watu wazima wakiwa wanafanya
uchafuu huo chooni, hii kwa kweli ni laana , hawa
badala ya kuwa mfano kwa kukemea vitendo ivyo
ndo kwanzaaa wao wanashiriki...
Baada ya kusambaa picha
zinazoonesha hotel ya Sanawari
ikiungua moto, Kamanda wa
Polisi mkoa wa Arusha akanusha
posted 3 hours ago by admin
Kumekuwa na taarifa na picha zinazoeleza kuwa
hotel ya kifahari ya Sanawari iliyoko karibu na
mataa ya Sanawari jijini Arusha inateketea kwa
Hata hivyo, kamanda wa polisi wa mkoa Arusha,
Liberatus Sabas ameiambia 100.5 Times Fm kuwa
habari hizo sio za kweli kwani hata yeye yuko
karibu na eneo hilo kiasi cha kuweza kuiona hotel
hiyo kwa mbali.
“Mimi siko kwenye hotel ya Sanawari lakini niko
karibu na hotel hiyo na kama kungekuwa na moto
nigeona.” Amesema Kamanda Sabas.
Kwa mujibu wa chanzo kimoja kilichoko jijini
Arusha, kikosi cha zima moto kimefika katika hotel
hiyo na kukuta mambo yako shwari na hakuna dalili
zozote za moto katika jengo hilo.
Thursday, July 18, 2013
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
“Naomba kuchukua nafasi hii kuomba radhi kwa yeyote aliyekwazika kwa maneno machafu yaliyoandikwa kwa wall yangu, na pia naomba nieleweke kwamba sihusiki na chochote kupost au kuandika chochote kuhusu kikwete foundation na picha za jdee ukiwa naked, sina ugomvi na yeyote naheshimu hisia za kila mtu nikiamini kila mtu ana maamuzi yake.. Aliyeamua kutumia jina langu kufanya hayo najua sasa unajiskia vizuri baada ya matusi mengi niliyotukanwa.. Maisha hayaishii hapa siku zinaenda na ukwali utafahamika siku moja … Mchana mwema.”
“Mi namuachia Mungu … Ya duniani yatalipwa hapa hapa, anayetengeneza mazingira haya kunichafua ni baraka zinaongezeka .. I keep on moving sirusishwi nyuma na kauli zenu zilizojaa chuki, dharau maisha Yanaendelea.
Kiukweli napata lawama nyingi matusi mengi bila kujua kosa langu.. Account yangu ni hii sina nyingine na sijui nn kimeendelea huko, kiroho safi tu naomba mtu aniambie kuna nini wapi nijue ivi mtanilaumu bure tu.. No hard feelings.”
Mtandao wa Wikipedia unaeleza kuwa asilimia 50 ya lipstiki zinazotengenezwa marekani zinatumia mafuta ya nguruwe au castor ambayo huipa mng’aro zaidi.
Mtandao huu umefanikiwa kuzipata picha hizi kutoka kwa msomaji wetu mpendwa ambaye kwa uzalendo wake ametutumia kwa njia ya email huku akielezea kwa kifupi kuhusu sakata hilo la aibu.....
Taarifa Nilizo Pata Kutoka South
Africa Kutoka Kwa Hussein
Original Ambaye Yupo Pretoria
Amesema Ngwear Amefariki Leo
Asubuhi. Alikuwa Ghetto Moja Na
Msanii M To The P.
Walivyokwenda Kuwagongea
Asubuhi Walikuta Ngwear
Amefariki Na M To The P
Amepoteza Fahamu Kabisa. Pia
Daktari Ameshatoa Taarifa Kwa
Watu Wa Karibu Wa Ngwear
Huko South Africa. Ngwea akiwa na msanii M to the P jana south africa.mtu wa karibu anasema walitakiwa kurudi dar leo lakini waliwakuta wamezima kwenye room wote wawili baada ya kuji overdose madawa ya kulevya na M to the P yupo hoi hospitali.
Saturday, May 4, 2013
20 Poorest Countries In The World
What are the poorest countries in the world? The rankings below were published in Wikipedia from International Monetary Fund’s 2011 gross domestic product per capita (GDP per capita) report and reflecting the countries with the lowest purchasing power parity (PPP). Since 1970, there has been encouraging news emerging from developing countries. According to the UN’s 2010 Human Development Report, life expectancy in developing countries has increased from 59 years in 1970 to 70 years in 2010. School enrollment climbed from 55% to 70% of all primary and secondary school-age children. Also, in the last forty years, per capita GDP doubled to more than ten thousand U.S. dollars. Poor countries are catching up with the wealthier countries, but not all countries are making fast progress. For example, some countries in Sub-Sahara Africa have little or no progress, largely due to the HIV epidemic and civil wars.
The 20 Poorest Countries:
#1. Congo, Democratic Republic of the
GDP Per Capita: $348 (As of 2011)
Not to be mixed with the neighboring Republic of Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Congo has become the poorest country in the world as of 2010. Democratic Republic of the Congo was known as Zaire until 1997. Congo is the largest country in the world that has French as an official language – the population of D.R Congo is about six million larger than the population of France (71 million people in D.R Congo vs 65 million in France). The Second Congo War beginning in 1998 has devastated the country. The war that involves at least 7 foreign armies is the deadliest conflict in the world since World War II – by 2008 the Second Congo War and its aftermath had killed 5.4 million people.
#2. Liberia
GDP Per Capita: $456 (As of 2011)
Liberia is one of the few countries in Africa that have not been colonized by Europe. Instead, Liberia was founded and colonized by freed slaves from America. These slaves made up the elite of the country and they established a government that closely resembled that of the United States of America. In 1980 the president of Liberia was overthrown and a period of instability and civil war followed. After the killings of hundreds of thousands, a 2003 peace deal was led to democratic elections in 2005. Today, Liberia is recovering from the lingering effects of the civil war and related economic dislocation, with about 85% of the population lives below $1 a day.
#3. Zimbabwe
GDP Per Capita: $487 (As of 2011)
The government of Zimbabwe released its largest bank note 100 trillion dollar bill issued on January 2009. In addition to the economic problems the life expectancy of Zimbabwe is the lowest in the world – 37 years for men and just 34 for women. One of the problems for the early deaths are the 20.1% of the population with HIV and AIDS. The health issues aren’t seeing any improvement.
#4. Burundi
GDP Per Capita: $615 (As of 2011)
Burundi is known for its tribal and civil wars. Burundi have never really had any peaceful time between the everlasting civil wars as a result its the fourth poorest country. Owing in part to its landlocked geography, poor legal system, lack of economic freedom, lack of access to education, and the proliferation of HIV and AIDS. Approximately 80% of Burundians live in poverty and according to the World Food Programme 57% of children under 5 years suffer from chronic malnutrition; 93% of Burundi’s exports revenues come from selling coffee.
#5. Eritrea
GDP Per Capita: $735 (As of 2011)
Affected by the Italian colonizers of the 19th century. Eritrea’s advantage of controlling the sea route through the Suez Canal made the italians to colonized it just a year after the opening of the canal in 1869 and same reason the British conquered it in 1941. The present Eritrea’s economic conditions have not improved and real gross domestic product growth averaged 1.2 percent between 2005 and 2008; in 2009 GDP growth was estimated at 2.0 percent.
#6. Central African Republic
GDP Per Capita: $768 (As of 2011)
Despite its significant mineral resources; uranium reserves in Bakouma, crude oil, gold, diamonds, lumber, hydropower and its arable land, it remains one of the poorest countries in the world. Diamonds constitute the most important export of the Central Africans Republic, accounting for 40–55% of export revenues. The 2010 UNDP Human Development Report ranks CAR near the bottom of its Human Development Index (159th out of 162 countries) and unlikely to meet its MDG goals. The proportion of Central Africans living on $1 a day has decreased slightly to 62% but it needs to be half of that in order to reach the 2015 goal.
#7. Niger
GDP Per Capita: $771 (As of 2011)
With over 80% of its land is covered by the giant desert of Sahara, Niger has a Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita in Parity Purchasing Power (PPP) terms of US$771 as of 2011, one of the lowest in Africa. Niger’s poverty is exacerbated by political instability, extreme vulnerability to exogenous shocks and inequality which affects girls, women and children disproportionately. In January 2000, Niger’s newly elected government inherited serious financial and economic problems including a virtually empty treasury and was qualified for enhanced debt relief under the International Monetary Fund program for Highly Indebted Poor Countries.
#8. Sierra Leone
GDP Per Capita: $849 (As of 2011)
A West African country with English as its official language, Sierra Leone has relied on mining, especially diamonds, for its economic base and home to the third largest natural harbour in the world where shipping from all over the globe berth at Freetown’s famous Queen Elizabeth II Quay. It is among the top diamond producing nations in the world, and mineral exports remain the main foreign currency earner and also among the largest producers of titanium and bauxite, and a major producer of gold. Despite this natural wealth, 70% of its people live in poverty. If you have seen the movie Blood Diamond you should know that it is based on Sierra Leone.
#9. Malawi
GDP Per Capita: $860 (As of 2011)
Malawi has one of the lowest per capita incomes in the world, with 53% (2004) living under the poverty line. In December 2000, the IMF stopped aid disbursements due to corruption concerns, and many individual donors followed suit, resulting in an almost 80% drop in Malawi’s development budget. In 2006, Malawi was approved for relief under the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) program. In December 2007, the US granted Malawi eligibility status to receive financial support within the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) initiative. Agriculture accounts for 35% of GDP, industry for 19% and services for the remaining 46%. In addition, some setbacks have been experienced, and Malawi has lost some of its ability to pay for imports due to a general shortage of foreign exchange, as investment fell 23% in 2009.
#10. Togo
GDP Per Capita: $899 (As of 2011)
This small, sub-Saharan economy suffers from anemic economic growth and depends heavily on both commercial and subsistence agriculture, which provides employment for a significant share of the labor force. Cocoa, coffee, and cotton generate about 40% of export earnings with cotton being the most important cash crop. Togo is among the world’s largest producers of phosphate. Approximately one half of the population lives below the international poverty line of US$1.25 a day.
#11. Madagascar
GDP Per Capita: $934 (As of 2011)
Madagascar’s mainstay of growth are tourism, agriculture and the extractive industries. Approximately 69% of the population lives below the national poverty line threshold of one dollar per day. The agriculture sector constituted 29% of Malagasy GDP in 2011, while manufacturing formed 15% of GDP. Tourism dropped more than 50% in 2009 compared with the previous year, and many investors are wary of entering the uncertain investment environment.
#12. Afghanistan
GDP Per Capita: $956 (As of 2011)
Afghanistan is probably the only poorest country in the world that doesn’t need any introduction. Due to the decades of war and nearly complete lack of foreign investment, the nation’sGDP per capita stands at $956. Its unemployment rate is 35% and 42 % of the population live on less than $1 a day. As tribal warfare and internecine feuding has been one of their chief occupations since time immemorial. History has never seen Afghanistan lose a war. They might be one of the poorest but they know how to fight. Instead of a traditional army they simply resist with small counter attacks that eventually tire out the enemy.
#13. Guinea
GDP Per Capita: $1,083 (As of 2011)
Guinea also has diamonds, gold, and other metals. The country has great potential for hydroelectric power. Bauxite and alumina are currently the only major exports. Guinea’s poorly developed infrastructure and rampant corruption continue to present obstacles to large-scale investment projects. Agriculture employs 80% of the nation’s labor force. Under French rule, and at the beginning of independence, Guinea was a major exporter of bananas, pineapples, coffee, peanuts, and palm oil. From independence until the presidential election of 2010, Guinea was governed by a number of autocratic rulers, which has contributed to making Guinea one of the poorest countries in the world.
#14. Mozambique
GDP Per Capita: $1,085 (As of 2011)
One of the poorest and most underdeveloped country in the world, 75% of the population engages in small-scale agriculture, which still suffers from inadequate infrastructure, commercial networks, and investment. The minimum legal salary is around US$60 per month.
#15. Ethiopia
GDP Per Capita: $ 1,093 (As of 2011)
Ethiopia suffers from poverty, and poor sanitation. In the capital city of Addis Ababa, 55% of the population lives in slums. Despite its fast growth in recent years, GDP per capita is one of the lowest in the world, and the economy faces a number of serious structural problems. Ethiopia’s economy is based on agriculture, which accounts for 41% of GDP and 85% of total employment. Agricultural productivity remains low, the sector suffers from poor cultivation practices and frequent drought.
#16. Mali
GDP Per Capita: $1,128 (As of 2011)
With 50% of the population living below the international poverty line of US$1.25 a day, Mali is one of the poorest countries in the world. Some of its natural resources are gold, uranium, livestock, and salt. Mali remains dependent on foreign aid. Economic activity is largely confined to the riverine area irrigated by the Niger River and about 65% of its land area is desert or semidesert. Mali experienced economic growth of about 5% per year between 1996-2010. The government in 2011 completed an IMF extended credit facility program that has helped the economy grow, diversify, and attract foreign investment.
#17. Guinea-Bissau
GDP Per Capita: $1,144 (As of 2011)
Guinea-Bissau’s legal economy depends mainly on farming and fishing, but trafficking in narcotics is probably the most lucrative trade. With 60% of the population living below the poverty line, drug traffickers based in Latin America use Guinea-Bissau, along with several neighboring West African nations, as a transshipment point to Europe for cocaine. The government and the military did almost nothing to stop this business.
#18. Comoros
GDP Per Capita: $ 1,232 (As of 2011)
Made up of three islands with rapidly increasing population, and few natural resources. As of 2008 about 50% of the population lives below the international poverty line of US$1.25 a day, due to numerous coups d’etat since independence in 1975.
#19. Haiti
GDP Per Capita: $1,235 (As of 2011)
Haiti is a free market economy that enjoys the advantages of low labor costs and tariff-free access to the US for many of its exports. Poverty, corruption, and poor access to education for much of the population are among Haiti’s most serious disadvantages. Haiti’s economy suffered a severe setback in January 2010 when a 7.0 magnitude earthquake destroyed much of its capital city, Port-au-Prince, and neighboring areas. Already the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere with 80% of the population living under the poverty line and 54% in abject poverty, the earthquake inflicted $7.8 billion in damages. Seven out of ten Haitians live on less than US$2 a day, according to the International Red Cross.
#20. Uganda
GDP Per Capita: $1,317 (As of 2011)
Uganda is one of the poorest nations in the world, with 37.7 percent of the population living on less than $1.25 a day. Uganda has substantial natural resources, including fertile soils, regular rainfall, small deposits of copper, gold, and other minerals, and recently discovered oil. Despite making enormous progress in reducing the countrywide poverty incidence from 56 percent of the population in 1992 to 31 per cent in 2005, poverty remains deep-rooted in the country’s rural areas, which are home to more than 85 per cent of Ugandans.
Thursday, April 18, 2013
Katibu wa uchumi, malezi na mazingira wa chama cha mapinduzi Kata ya Mailimoja BW. LAZARO KULIGWA amekanusha kuhusika kwake na ufanyaji wa mapenzi ya jinsia moja kama inavyosambazwa na mahasimu wake wa kisiasa ndani ya chama hicho kwa lengfo la kumharibia mafanikio ambayo ameyapata katika medani ya siasa.
Akizungumza na mwandishi wa habari hizi ofisi ya CCM wilaya ya KIBAHA, BW. KULIGWA amesema kuwa yeye binafsi kwa kipindi kirefu sasa amekuwa akisikia watu wakimsema chinichini na alikuwa anangoja mwenye kujitokeza amuulize kuhusiana na hilo lakini hakutokea mpaka alipokutana na mwandishi wa hizi.
BW.KULIGWA amebainisha kuwa kwa mara ya kwanza ilikuwa wakati wa kampeni ya uchaguzi mkuu uliopita ambapo mmojka wa wagombea alikusanya vijana na kujenga maneno hayo kwa lengo la kumharibia kisiasa ingawa mpaka sasa anasubiri mtuwa kujitokeza kuthibitisha madai hayo ambayo yana lengo la kumchafua.
Akizungumzia kuibuka kwa maneno hayo ya kumhusisha na mapenzi ya jinsia moja,inatokana na yeye kamaKatibu wa uchumi, malezi namazingira wa kata ya Maili kluamua kuzitambua mali mbalimbali za Jumuiya ya wazazi kwa lengo la kuzihakiki na kuziendelezakwa faida ya chama kitu kinachuwauzi baadhi ya watu.
Hata BW.KULIGWA ameelezea kutotetereshwa na maneno hayo kwani ameshabaini mbinu ya wahasimu wake wa kisiasaa ya kutengeneza maneno ambayo hayajengi mshikamano katika chama na matokeo yake yanakibomoa chama, Na amelaumu uongozi wa CCM mjini Kibaha kwa kutotafuta ufumbuzi wa busara kuhusiana na tuhuma hizo zenye lengo la kumuaibisha mtu binafsi.
JAY Z & BEYONCE a.k.a (....)
Beyonce And Jay-Z Are Now A Billionaire Couple?
Beyoncé Knowles and Jay-Z are apparently now worth $1 billion with combined assets.
It’s no secret that the couple keeps themselves busy by taking on one project after the other. With BeyoncĂ©'s Mrs. Carter world tour currently underway, plus her new H&M and Pepsi campaigns, Queen B herself recently made well over $116 million, according to Vogue UK. She also adds onto her current income with profits from old hits and previous movie roles, such as "Dream Girls" and "The Fighting Temptations."
Jay-Z has his hand in multiple enterprises, such as his Rocawear clothing line, in addition to being a co-founder of Roc Nation, co- owner of the 40/40 club chain, owning shares in the Brooklyn Nets, and not to mention his latest move--launching Roc Nation sports. "Can you pay my bills?” yes BeyoncĂ©, he sure can.
Let’s not forget the couple’s record sales--Jay-Z is reported to have sold over 50 million albums globally while his wife has earned 17 Grammy Awards, selling over 75 million albums worldwide. All of that made them Forbes's highest paid couple in 2012.
(Fellas Check The Pics!) Beyonce's Costume Is A Little X-Rated! - http://t.co/7nJkqOS1Gb #IFWTcatchup
(Fellas Check The Pics!) Beyonce's Costume Is A Little X-Rated! - http://t.co/qYQO2hUYKR #IFWTcatchup
RT @KINGBeysus: "Halo is one of my favorite Beyonce songs of all time. She does it like a Queen should." - @NICKIMINAJ #Idol
Obama's comment on Jay and Beyonce's trip to Cuba is perfect... http://t.co/gLgRTqCvLw
@Beyonce Beyoncé Can't Choose A Lead Single From New Album! Must Be 'Of Single Ladies Calibre!' http://t.co/v3Bl5Kvg57
@Beyonce President Obama Confirms He Had NOTHING To Do With Jay-Z & BeyoncĂ©’s Cuba Trip! http://t.co/26IiAf3cza
love Obama's comment on Jay and Beyonce's trip to Cuba... http://t.co/gLgRTqCvLw
NEW MUSIC : Drake Ft. James Fauntleroy - Girls Love Beyonce - http://t.co/sA36ZA1ne7 #IFWTcatchup
(Fellas Check The Pics!) Beyonce's Costume Is A Little X-Rated! - http://t.co/QcAKAL1VMA #IFWTcatchup
NEW MUSIC : Drake Ft. James Fauntleroy - Girls Love Beyonce - http://t.co/vZ5altVj0p #IFWTcatchup
(Fellas Check The Pics!) Beyonce's Costume Is A Little X-Rated! - http://t.co/GGeqXUmqkM #IFWTcatchup
NEW MUSIC : Drake Ft. James Fauntleroy - Girls Love Beyonce - http://t.co/bgcQWxxs0N #IFWTcatchup
(Fellas Check The Pics!) Beyonce's Costume Is A Little X-Rated! - http://t.co/n12swahPgj #IFWTcatchup
NEW MUSIC : Drake Ft. James Fauntleroy - Girls Love Beyonce - http://t.co/KOnMrObRKs #IFWTcatchup
(Fellas Check The Pics!) Beyonce's Costume Is A Little X-Rated! - http://t.co/yV9c32UubH #IFWTcatchup
NEW MUSIC : Drake Ft. James Fauntleroy - Girls Love Beyonce - http://t.co/AFkLhqzAx2 #IFWTcatchup
(Fellas Check The Pics!) Beyonce's Costume Is A Little X-Rated! - http://t.co/DKptefo4fb #IFWTcatchup
NEW MUSIC : Drake Ft. James Fauntleroy - Girls Love Beyonce - http://t.co/1lnMCvTopG #IFWTcatchup
(Fellas Check The Pics!) Beyonce's Costume Is A Little X-Rated! - http://t.co/Vq2glQ3lv2 #IFWTcatchup
NEW MUSIC : Drake Ft. James Fauntleroy - Girls Love Beyonce - http://t.co/z0bcwbYebe #IFWTcatchup
(Fellas Check The Pics!) Beyonce's Costume Is A Little X-Rated! - http://t.co/gEQ9GHNAve #IFWTcatchup
NEW MUSIC : Drake Ft. James Fauntleroy - Girls Love Beyonce - http://t.co/7BEHlxVRLR #IFWTcatchup
(Fellas Check The Pics!) Beyonce's Costume Is A Little X-Rated! - http://t.co/YPym0KfvFf #IFWTcatchup
Stunning! Original sketches of Beyonce's Mrs. Carter Show wardrobe http://t.co/L7uLDg82vD
@Beyonce Beyoncé Kicks Off 2013 BET Awards With Star-Studded Concert! Chris Tucker To Host Awards Show! http://t.co/A2vG2OzlV6
@Beyonce Perez & Keisha Kiki On Beyoncé, Rihanna, & Chris Brown! See The Vid HERE! http://t.co/w48uSCz0xa
✪ Beyonce surprises fans with risque tour costumes: Beyonce shocked fans on the opening night of... http://t.co/NeVGlD4OIG #teamassassin
RT @GlobalGrindStyl: Beyonce's @TheBlondsNY outfit and almost caused a pseudo nipplegate scandal! http://t.co/nK42nNIggI http://t.co/1Q8gBtv0eK
@Beyonce BeyoncĂ© & Jay-Z Are Rich, B*tch! They're Pop’s 1st BILLION Dollar Couple! http://t.co/9FsuvS0wLI
@KeyshiaCole More Deets On Beyonce's Mrs. Carter Show Outfits! Peep The Emilio Pucci Sketches! http://t.co/TYx4AoioBB
@KeriHilson More Deets On Beyonce's Mrs. Carter Show Outfits! Peep The Emilio Pucci Sketches! http://t.co/TYx4AoioBB
@S_C_ More Deets On Beyonce's Mrs. Carter Show Outfits! Peep The Emilio Pucci Sketches! http://t.co/TYx4AoioBB
@Beyonce More Deets On Beyonce's Mrs. Carter Show Outfits! Peep The Emilio Pucci Sketches! http://t.co/TYx4AoioBB
RT @RachelSamara: Girls love Beyonce, but they also love @Drake, and here are 21 reasons why... http://t.co/az4y92ADdD <-- fun="" had="" i="" much="" span="" this="" too="" way="" with="">-->
(Fellas Check The Pics!) Beyonce's Costume Is A Little X-Rated! - http://t.co/drJPP5VnFn #IFWT
(Videos + Set List) Beyonce Take Over: “The Mrs. Carter Show World Tour” Footage - http://t.co/v0E11sO7Br #IFWT
(Fellas Check The Pics!) Beyonce's Costume Is A Little X-Rated! - http://t.co/YvMFirbiyK #IFWT
Beyonce wears boob-baring body suit on first night of ‘Mrs. Carter Show’ tour http://t.co/1rR6IJJsLA Do you love it or hate it? Why?
RT @_iheartmomo: I know I'm like 10 years late but "Signs">>>. You did that! @Beyonce @MissyElliott . Yassss.
(Videos + Set List) Beyonce Take Over: “The Mrs. Carter Show World Tour” Footage - http://t.co/uYxRpGMLda #IFWT
(Fellas Check The Pics!) Beyonce's Costume Is A Little X-Rated! - http://t.co/sG7D9XRz4K #IFWT
Oh Wow! Beyonce Names WHO As A Style Influence!? - http://t.co/TdnmPQnUff #IFWT
@KeriHilson Beyonce Chooses Stuart Weitzman To Design Her Mrs. Carter Show Kicks http://t.co/Cg3Bx0kk0c
@KeyshiaCole Beyonce Chooses Stuart Weitzman To Design Her Mrs. Carter Show Kicks http://t.co/Cg3Bx0kk0c
@S_C_ Beyonce Chooses Stuart Weitzman To Design Her Mrs. Carter Show Kicks http://t.co/Cg3Bx0kk0c
@Beyonce Beyonce Chooses Stuart Weitzman To Design Her Mrs. Carter Show Kicks http://t.co/Cg3Bx0kk0c
@stuartweitzman1 Beyonce Chooses Stuart Weitzman To Design Her Mrs. Carter Show Kicks http://t.co/Cg3Bx0kk0c
(Videos + Set List) Beyonce Take Over: “The Mrs. Carter Show World Tour” Footage - http://t.co/vVucXLvtTZ #IFWT
(Fellas Check The Pics!) Beyonce's Costume Is A Little X-Rated! - http://t.co/JHhxCFyVWt #IFWT
@Beyonce Beyoncé BLINDS Us with Her Sparkly BOOTAY On First Mrs. Carter World Tour Stop! http://t.co/P9qvSVULuh
Oh Wow! Beyonce Names WHO As A Style Influence!? - http://t.co/Mov498oNP5 #IFWT
@Beyonce Drake Delivers His Own Destiny's Child With Girls Love Beyoncé; Listen HERE! http://t.co/ITbbwE87qc