Mtangazaji wa Clouds FM, Adam Mchomvu amejikuta kwenye wakati mgumu
baada leo akaunti yake ya Facebook kuonesha imepost link yenye kichwa
cha habari ‘Picha za uchi alizopiga Lady Jay D bofya hapa’. Kutokana na
post hiyo, Adam amejikuta akitukanwa matusi mengi ya nguoni kitendo
kilichomlazimu aombe radhi japo anadai hakuandika yeye.
“Naomba kuchukua nafasi hii kuomba radhi kwa yeyote aliyekwazika kwa
maneno machafu yaliyoandikwa kwa wall yangu, na pia naomba nieleweke
kwamba sihusiki na chochote kupost au kuandika chochote kuhusu kikwete
foundation na picha za jdee ukiwa naked, sina ugomvi na yeyote naheshimu
hisia za kila mtu nikiamini kila mtu ana maamuzi yake.. Aliyeamua
kutumia jina langu kufanya hayo najua sasa unajiskia vizuri baada ya
matusi mengi niliyotukanwa.. Maisha hayaishii hapa siku zinaenda na
ukwali utafahamika siku moja … Mchana mwema.”
“Mi namuachia Mungu … Ya duniani yatalipwa hapa hapa, anayetengeneza
mazingira haya kunichafua ni baraka zinaongezeka .. I keep on moving
sirusishwi nyuma na kauli zenu zilizojaa chuki, dharau maisha
Kiukweli napata lawama nyingi matusi mengi bila kujua kosa langu..
Account yangu ni hii sina nyingine na sijui nn kimeendelea huko, kiroho
safi tu naomba mtu aniambie kuna nini wapi nijue ivi mtanilaumu bure
tu.. No hard feelings.”
Karibuni.... Welcome.... Karibuni... Blog hii ni ya wajanja wote wanaopenda mambo mazuri kwenye ulimwengu huu wa kaijanja!!!! Ingia kila siku kupata mambo mapya kama news, picha, tetesi, matukio yoote ya town n.k....
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Wanawake hupenda
kuonekana nadhifu siku zote na katika kufanya hivyo wanatumia vitu mbalimbali
vikiwamo rangi za aina mbalimbali ambazo baadhi yake hupakwa katika miili yao
ikiwamo midomo.
Rangi na mafuta ya midomo
ambayo hutumiwa zaidi na wanawake yanaelezwa kuwa na sumu ambayo huweza
kusababisha saratani ya mapafu, kushindwa kwa figo kufanya kazi na hata maumivu
ya tumbo.
Utafiti uliochapishwa
Januari mwaka huu na Jarida la Sayansi ya Mazingira nchini Uingereza
(JES) umebaini kuwa matumizi ya muda mrefu ya rangi za midomo na
‘lipglosses’ yanaweza kusababisha maradhi kadhaa kutokana na kuwa na kiwango
cha madini ya aluminiam, cadmium na risasi (lead).
Kemikali zinazopatikana
zaidi katika rangi za midomo zinatajwa kuwa ni cadmium, chromium, titanium,
lead na manganizi.
Ingawa bidhaa hasa zenye
wingi wa madini hayo hazijawekwa wazi,wanasayansi hao wanasema kuwa ni zile
zinazotumiwa au kupendwa zaidi na kinamama.
Imebainika kuwa kupaka
‘lipshine’ au ‘lipstick’ mara tatu na zaidi kwa siku kunaweza kusababisha
maradhi hayo na ilishauriwa kuwa matumizi yake yasiwe ya muda mrefu.
Mkuu wa utafiti huu,
Katharine Hammond, mwanasayansi wa mazingira na afya katika Chuo Kikuu cha
California, Marekani anasema nia ya utafiti huo ni kutaka kupima
kiwango cha madini hayo ambacho mtumiaji wa lipstiki huweza kukimeza na kiwango
“Kiafya, mtumiaji
hatakiwi kunywa au kumeza zaidi ya asilimia 20 ya metali za lead au cadmonium
hata katika maji tu ya kunywa,” anasema Hammond
Utafiti wa Hammond
unaeleza kuwa bidhaa hizo zina kiwango kikubwa cha aluminium, cadmium, chromium
na manganizi kilichozidi asilimia 20.
ikoje nchini
Afisa Uhusiano wa Mamlaka
ya Chakula na Madawa(TFDA) Gaudensia Simwanza anasema madini ya Lead na
Titanium yapo kwenye orodha ya mchanganyiko uliozuiwa.
“Lakini madini ya titanium dioxide ndiyo yanaruhusiwa na siyo
titanium zote” anasema Simwanza
madini ya ‘Lead Acetate’ yasiyozidi asilimia 0.6 yanaruhusiwa katika rangi za
nywele tu(Hair Dye).
“ Madini
haya ni moja ya sehemu ya vipodozi ndiyo imeangaliwa na kuelekeza kuwa si
salama katika matumizi ya lipstiki:” anasema Simwanza
katika kitengo cha uchunguzi wa magonjwa cha Hospitali ya Taifa Muhimbili,
Innocent Mosha anasema kwa kawaida madini ya Lead yanaathiri figo kwa kiasi
anasema kiasi kidogo tu cha madini hayo kikimezwa kwa muda mrefu, mtumiaji
huana kuona dalili zisizo za kawaida katika mwili.
kusikia utafiti wa hapa nchini uliowahi kuchunguza lipstiki au lipgloss, lakini
kama ni kweli vipodozi hivyo vina madini hayo, badi ni ya hatari,” anasema Dk
Wataalamu wa
afya wanasema kuwa matumizi ya kudumu ya Cadmium midomoni
yana uhusiano wa karibu na uharibifu wa figo na mifupa.
Watafiti hao
walisema mwanamke anapopaka urembo huo, madini yaliyotumika kuutengeneza
huingia tumboni kidogokidogo na baada ya muda husababisha maradhi hayo.
Salter Green, Mkurugenzi wa Kampeni ya Bidhaa za Kemikali anasema kuna haja ya
kuwa waangalifu katika matumizi ya kemikali zilizopo katika vipodozi hasa kwa
wasichana wadogo ambao wapo katika umri wa kuzaa.
“Lazima wasiwasi uwekwe. Vipimo na tafiti zaidi zifanyike katika vipodozi
vyenye kemikali na athari zake’
Watafiti pia
walibaini kuwepo kwa kemikali ya lead kwa asilimia 75 ya bidhaa za
midomo. Nusu ya sampuli hizo ilionyesha kuwa lipstiki na ‘lipglosses’ zilikuwa
na kemikali ya lead kwa kiwango kikubwa kuliko kile kinachokubaliwa na mamlaka
ya chakula na madawa.
mwingine ulibaini kuwa mwanamke mrembo ambaye hupaka lipstiki mara 3 kwa siku
na kila mpako mmoja hubeba miligramu 10 za madini hayo, huyo yupo
kuwa kiasi chote hicho humezwa kwa siku moja kila mwanamke anapopaka lipstiki.
Dk Kenneth
Spaeth, Mkurugenzi wa Tiba ya Mazingira katika Hospitali ya North Shore,
Manhasset anasema kuwepo kwa madini ya ‘lead’ katika vipodozi kunaweza
kuathiri ujauzito au watoto ambao wanachezea vipodozi vya mama zao.
Mwaka 2007,
Kampeni ya Vipodozi Salama ya nchini Marekani iligundua madini ya lead kwa
asilimia 61 katika vipodozi 33 vya lipstiki.
Mtaalamu wa
masuala ya ngozi, Dk Isaack Maro anasema madini ya cadmonium yapo hata katika
udongo na baadhi ya vyakula.
matumizi ya muda mrefu ya madini hayo huweza kusababisha maradhi.
ni metali nzito ambazo si rahisi kuchujwa katika figo, zikikaa kwa muda mrefu
katika figo, huweza kuziathiri” anasema Dk Maro.
Anasema hana
uhakika iwapo madini ya lead yapo katika lipstiki kwani ni madini ya hatari
sana kiafya.
“Miaka ya
nyuma iliwahi kupigwa marufuku kutumika kutengenezea mabomba baada ya kubainika
kuwa ni ya hatari” anasema
Shirika la
Umoja wa Mataifa la Mazingira (UNEP) linasema kuwa Lead ni metali za hali ya
juu zenye sumu ambayo huweza kumuathiri binadamu kwa kuikaribia kidogo.
Madini ya
lead yanatajwa kuwa na sumu inayoweza kusababisha matatizo ya neva za fahamu,
moyo, renal, tumbo na mfumo wa uzazi.
inaeleza kuwa madini ya cadmium pia yana sumu ambayo inaweza kuathiri figo na
mfumo wa mifupa.
Loretz, mtaalamu wa kubaini vimelea vya sumu wa Baraza la Bidhaa za Vipodozi
(PPC) alifanya utafiti pia na kusema kuwa hakuna ubishi kuwa liptiki na
lipgloss zote humezwa.
ulifanyika kwa wanawake 360 nchini Marekani ambao wanatumia lipstiki na ambao
huipaka kwa mara mbili na zaidi.
“Kwa nini
baada ya muda lipstiki inafutika mdomoni . Inakwenda wapi? Unafikiri
inayeyuka?” anahoji Mtaalam huyo (Dk Loretz)
Lipstiki zinatengenezwa kwa
kutumia nini?
Mtandao wa
Wikipedia unaeleza kuwa lipstiki inatengenezwa kwa kutumia ming’aro mbalimbali
au waxi. Waxi yenye nguvu ijulikanayo kama Carnauba Wax inatumika kuifanya
lipstiki iwe ngumu na isimegukemeguke.
Pia mafuta
mbalimbali nayo hutumika kama mafuta ya karafuu, madini, cocoa, lanolini
na petroli.
Mtandao wa Wikipedia unaeleza kuwa asilimia 50 ya lipstiki zinazotengenezwa marekani zinatumia mafuta ya nguruwe au castor ambayo huipa mng’aro zaidi.
Mtandao wa Wikipedia unaeleza kuwa asilimia 50 ya lipstiki zinazotengenezwa marekani zinatumia mafuta ya nguruwe au castor ambayo huipa mng’aro zaidi.
za aibu zinazowaonesha wasanii wa kundi la Ze Komedi wakiwa kwenye fukwe moja
ya huko Kigamboni zimezua balaa kubwa ......
Mtandao huu umefanikiwa kuzipata picha hizi kutoka kwa msomaji wetu mpendwa ambaye kwa uzalendo wake ametutumia kwa njia ya email huku akielezea kwa kifupi kuhusu sakata hilo la aibu.....
Happy akichezewa matiti na master Face huku akichekelea
Huyu ni Happy na Master Face
wakifanya Uchafu wao....Hapa wanatomasana kabla ya uzalendo
kuwashinda na kuamua kuvunja amri ya sita...
Vipi baby....umezidiwa.....!!!! Aibu tupu
Mdau huyo anaripoti kwamba, kundi
hilo liliingia ndani ya ufukwe wa Chadibwa na kuanza kufanya
mambo ya aibu mbele ya watu.....
Wasanii walioongoza kwa mambo ya
aibu ni mdada mmoja aliyejulikana kwa jina la HAPPY ambaye ni
mrembo aliyejigeuza mbwa na kukubali kushikwashikwa ovyo matiti
yake na viungo vingine "sensitive" bila kujali watu.....
Matiti bado yanaendelea kuteswa
Kiwewe naye alikuwa kivyake na wakwake.....
Mbali na Happy, kulikuwa na Msanii KIWEWE ambaye yeye alikuwa akijimilikisha VIUNO vya mabinti hao bila aibu.....
mbali Kiwewe, alikuwepo pia MANAIKI SANGA ambaye naye alikuwa
akikumbatia watatu watatu....Cha ajabu ni kwamba, yeye alikuwa
kavaaa, akina dada walikuwa uchi.....
Aliyetia aibu ya mwaka ni MASTER
FACE ambaye kwa mujibu wa mdau alitutumia picha hizi ni kwamba
yeye na HAPPY walifikia hadi hatua ya kuvunja amri ya sita
nyuma ya gari.....!!!!
ripoti kamili
Taarifa Nilizo Pata Kutoka South
Africa Kutoka Kwa Hussein
Original Ambaye Yupo Pretoria
Amesema Ngwear Amefariki Leo
Asubuhi. Alikuwa Ghetto Moja Na
Msanii M To The P.
Walivyokwenda Kuwagongea
Asubuhi Walikuta Ngwear
Amefariki Na M To The P
Amepoteza Fahamu Kabisa. Pia
Daktari Ameshatoa Taarifa Kwa
Watu Wa Karibu Wa Ngwear
Huko South Africa. Ngwea akiwa na msanii M to the P jana south africa.mtu wa karibu anasema walitakiwa kurudi dar leo lakini waliwakuta wamezima kwenye room wote wawili baada ya kuji overdose madawa ya kulevya na M to the P yupo hoi hospitali.
Taarifa Nilizo Pata Kutoka South
Africa Kutoka Kwa Hussein
Original Ambaye Yupo Pretoria
Amesema Ngwear Amefariki Leo
Asubuhi. Alikuwa Ghetto Moja Na
Msanii M To The P.
Walivyokwenda Kuwagongea
Asubuhi Walikuta Ngwear
Amefariki Na M To The P
Amepoteza Fahamu Kabisa. Pia
Daktari Ameshatoa Taarifa Kwa
Watu Wa Karibu Wa Ngwear
Huko South Africa. Ngwea akiwa na msanii M to the P jana south africa.mtu wa karibu anasema walitakiwa kurudi dar leo lakini waliwakuta wamezima kwenye room wote wawili baada ya kuji overdose madawa ya kulevya na M to the P yupo hoi hospitali.
Saturday, May 4, 2013
20 Poorest Countries In The World
What are the poorest countries in the world? The rankings below were published in Wikipedia from International Monetary Fund’s 2011 gross domestic product per capita (GDP per capita) report and reflecting the countries with the lowest purchasing power parity (PPP). Since 1970, there has been encouraging news emerging from developing countries. According to the UN’s 2010 Human Development Report, life expectancy in developing countries has increased from 59 years in 1970 to 70 years in 2010. School enrollment climbed from 55% to 70% of all primary and secondary school-age children. Also, in the last forty years, per capita GDP doubled to more than ten thousand U.S. dollars. Poor countries are catching up with the wealthier countries, but not all countries are making fast progress. For example, some countries in Sub-Sahara Africa have little or no progress, largely due to the HIV epidemic and civil wars.
The 20 Poorest Countries:
#1. Congo, Democratic Republic of the
GDP Per Capita: $348 (As of 2011)
Not to be mixed with the neighboring Republic of Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Congo has become the poorest country in the world as of 2010. Democratic Republic of the Congo was known as Zaire until 1997. Congo is the largest country in the world that has French as an official language – the population of D.R Congo is about six million larger than the population of France (71 million people in D.R Congo vs 65 million in France). The Second Congo War beginning in 1998 has devastated the country. The war that involves at least 7 foreign armies is the deadliest conflict in the world since World War II – by 2008 the Second Congo War and its aftermath had killed 5.4 million people.
#2. Liberia
GDP Per Capita: $456 (As of 2011)
Liberia is one of the few countries in Africa that have not been colonized by Europe. Instead, Liberia was founded and colonized by freed slaves from America. These slaves made up the elite of the country and they established a government that closely resembled that of the United States of America. In 1980 the president of Liberia was overthrown and a period of instability and civil war followed. After the killings of hundreds of thousands, a 2003 peace deal was led to democratic elections in 2005. Today, Liberia is recovering from the lingering effects of the civil war and related economic dislocation, with about 85% of the population lives below $1 a day.
#3. Zimbabwe
GDP Per Capita: $487 (As of 2011)
The government of Zimbabwe released its largest bank note 100 trillion dollar bill issued on January 2009. In addition to the economic problems the life expectancy of Zimbabwe is the lowest in the world – 37 years for men and just 34 for women. One of the problems for the early deaths are the 20.1% of the population with HIV and AIDS. The health issues aren’t seeing any improvement.
#4. Burundi
GDP Per Capita: $615 (As of 2011)
Burundi is known for its tribal and civil wars. Burundi have never really had any peaceful time between the everlasting civil wars as a result its the fourth poorest country. Owing in part to its landlocked geography, poor legal system, lack of economic freedom, lack of access to education, and the proliferation of HIV and AIDS. Approximately 80% of Burundians live in poverty and according to the World Food Programme 57% of children under 5 years suffer from chronic malnutrition; 93% of Burundi’s exports revenues come from selling coffee.
#5. Eritrea
GDP Per Capita: $735 (As of 2011)
Affected by the Italian colonizers of the 19th century. Eritrea’s advantage of controlling the sea route through the Suez Canal made the italians to colonized it just a year after the opening of the canal in 1869 and same reason the British conquered it in 1941. The present Eritrea’s economic conditions have not improved and real gross domestic product growth averaged 1.2 percent between 2005 and 2008; in 2009 GDP growth was estimated at 2.0 percent.
#6. Central African Republic
GDP Per Capita: $768 (As of 2011)
Despite its significant mineral resources; uranium reserves in Bakouma, crude oil, gold, diamonds, lumber, hydropower and its arable land, it remains one of the poorest countries in the world. Diamonds constitute the most important export of the Central Africans Republic, accounting for 40–55% of export revenues. The 2010 UNDP Human Development Report ranks CAR near the bottom of its Human Development Index (159th out of 162 countries) and unlikely to meet its MDG goals. The proportion of Central Africans living on $1 a day has decreased slightly to 62% but it needs to be half of that in order to reach the 2015 goal.
#7. Niger
GDP Per Capita: $771 (As of 2011)
With over 80% of its land is covered by the giant desert of Sahara, Niger has a Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita in Parity Purchasing Power (PPP) terms of US$771 as of 2011, one of the lowest in Africa. Niger’s poverty is exacerbated by political instability, extreme vulnerability to exogenous shocks and inequality which affects girls, women and children disproportionately. In January 2000, Niger’s newly elected government inherited serious financial and economic problems including a virtually empty treasury and was qualified for enhanced debt relief under the International Monetary Fund program for Highly Indebted Poor Countries.
#8. Sierra Leone
GDP Per Capita: $849 (As of 2011)
A West African country with English as its official language, Sierra Leone has relied on mining, especially diamonds, for its economic base and home to the third largest natural harbour in the world where shipping from all over the globe berth at Freetown’s famous Queen Elizabeth II Quay. It is among the top diamond producing nations in the world, and mineral exports remain the main foreign currency earner and also among the largest producers of titanium and bauxite, and a major producer of gold. Despite this natural wealth, 70% of its people live in poverty. If you have seen the movie Blood Diamond you should know that it is based on Sierra Leone.
#9. Malawi
GDP Per Capita: $860 (As of 2011)
Malawi has one of the lowest per capita incomes in the world, with 53% (2004) living under the poverty line. In December 2000, the IMF stopped aid disbursements due to corruption concerns, and many individual donors followed suit, resulting in an almost 80% drop in Malawi’s development budget. In 2006, Malawi was approved for relief under the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) program. In December 2007, the US granted Malawi eligibility status to receive financial support within the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) initiative. Agriculture accounts for 35% of GDP, industry for 19% and services for the remaining 46%. In addition, some setbacks have been experienced, and Malawi has lost some of its ability to pay for imports due to a general shortage of foreign exchange, as investment fell 23% in 2009.
#10. Togo
GDP Per Capita: $899 (As of 2011)
This small, sub-Saharan economy suffers from anemic economic growth and depends heavily on both commercial and subsistence agriculture, which provides employment for a significant share of the labor force. Cocoa, coffee, and cotton generate about 40% of export earnings with cotton being the most important cash crop. Togo is among the world’s largest producers of phosphate. Approximately one half of the population lives below the international poverty line of US$1.25 a day.
#11. Madagascar
GDP Per Capita: $934 (As of 2011)
Madagascar’s mainstay of growth are tourism, agriculture and the extractive industries. Approximately 69% of the population lives below the national poverty line threshold of one dollar per day. The agriculture sector constituted 29% of Malagasy GDP in 2011, while manufacturing formed 15% of GDP. Tourism dropped more than 50% in 2009 compared with the previous year, and many investors are wary of entering the uncertain investment environment.
#12. Afghanistan
GDP Per Capita: $956 (As of 2011)
Afghanistan is probably the only poorest country in the world that doesn’t need any introduction. Due to the decades of war and nearly complete lack of foreign investment, the nation’sGDP per capita stands at $956. Its unemployment rate is 35% and 42 % of the population live on less than $1 a day. As tribal warfare and internecine feuding has been one of their chief occupations since time immemorial. History has never seen Afghanistan lose a war. They might be one of the poorest but they know how to fight. Instead of a traditional army they simply resist with small counter attacks that eventually tire out the enemy.
#13. Guinea
GDP Per Capita: $1,083 (As of 2011)
Guinea also has diamonds, gold, and other metals. The country has great potential for hydroelectric power. Bauxite and alumina are currently the only major exports. Guinea’s poorly developed infrastructure and rampant corruption continue to present obstacles to large-scale investment projects. Agriculture employs 80% of the nation’s labor force. Under French rule, and at the beginning of independence, Guinea was a major exporter of bananas, pineapples, coffee, peanuts, and palm oil. From independence until the presidential election of 2010, Guinea was governed by a number of autocratic rulers, which has contributed to making Guinea one of the poorest countries in the world.
#14. Mozambique
GDP Per Capita: $1,085 (As of 2011)
One of the poorest and most underdeveloped country in the world, 75% of the population engages in small-scale agriculture, which still suffers from inadequate infrastructure, commercial networks, and investment. The minimum legal salary is around US$60 per month.
#15. Ethiopia
GDP Per Capita: $ 1,093 (As of 2011)
Ethiopia suffers from poverty, and poor sanitation. In the capital city of Addis Ababa, 55% of the population lives in slums. Despite its fast growth in recent years, GDP per capita is one of the lowest in the world, and the economy faces a number of serious structural problems. Ethiopia’s economy is based on agriculture, which accounts for 41% of GDP and 85% of total employment. Agricultural productivity remains low, the sector suffers from poor cultivation practices and frequent drought.
#16. Mali
GDP Per Capita: $1,128 (As of 2011)
With 50% of the population living below the international poverty line of US$1.25 a day, Mali is one of the poorest countries in the world. Some of its natural resources are gold, uranium, livestock, and salt. Mali remains dependent on foreign aid. Economic activity is largely confined to the riverine area irrigated by the Niger River and about 65% of its land area is desert or semidesert. Mali experienced economic growth of about 5% per year between 1996-2010. The government in 2011 completed an IMF extended credit facility program that has helped the economy grow, diversify, and attract foreign investment.
#17. Guinea-Bissau
GDP Per Capita: $1,144 (As of 2011)
Guinea-Bissau’s legal economy depends mainly on farming and fishing, but trafficking in narcotics is probably the most lucrative trade. With 60% of the population living below the poverty line, drug traffickers based in Latin America use Guinea-Bissau, along with several neighboring West African nations, as a transshipment point to Europe for cocaine. The government and the military did almost nothing to stop this business.
#18. Comoros
GDP Per Capita: $ 1,232 (As of 2011)
Made up of three islands with rapidly increasing population, and few natural resources. As of 2008 about 50% of the population lives below the international poverty line of US$1.25 a day, due to numerous coups d’etat since independence in 1975.
#19. Haiti
GDP Per Capita: $1,235 (As of 2011)
Haiti is a free market economy that enjoys the advantages of low labor costs and tariff-free access to the US for many of its exports. Poverty, corruption, and poor access to education for much of the population are among Haiti’s most serious disadvantages. Haiti’s economy suffered a severe setback in January 2010 when a 7.0 magnitude earthquake destroyed much of its capital city, Port-au-Prince, and neighboring areas. Already the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere with 80% of the population living under the poverty line and 54% in abject poverty, the earthquake inflicted $7.8 billion in damages. Seven out of ten Haitians live on less than US$2 a day, according to the International Red Cross.
#20. Uganda
GDP Per Capita: $1,317 (As of 2011)
Uganda is one of the poorest nations in the world, with 37.7 percent of the population living on less than $1.25 a day. Uganda has substantial natural resources, including fertile soils, regular rainfall, small deposits of copper, gold, and other minerals, and recently discovered oil. Despite making enormous progress in reducing the countrywide poverty incidence from 56 percent of the population in 1992 to 31 per cent in 2005, poverty remains deep-rooted in the country’s rural areas, which are home to more than 85 per cent of Ugandans.
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